Visual Arts




Lower School


In Lower School visual art, students use a wide range of materials such as paint, clay, fiber, pastels, and cardboard to explore their creativity. The elements of art are taught while also addressing art history, contemporary art, current events, cross-curricular tie-ins, and student interest.


Middle School


In Middle School visual art, students develop artistic skills in the disciplines of bookbinding, clay, drawing, fiber arts, painting, printmaking, and sculpture. Lessons are inspired by art historical and multi-cultural themes. The breadth of activities and materials allows students to apply concepts and foster self-expression in an environment that nurtures individual growth.


upper School


In the Upper School visual art, students embark on a creative exploration of the arts through myriad 2D and 3D art materials and processes including printmaking, drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, digital and graphic design. Upper School students can take courses individually that suit their interest, or engage in a sequential course track that leads to the development and production of a portfolio for the AP Board as well as a culminating solo exhibition.