Global Opportunities

Global Opportunities


Mission: Through global experiences, Collegiate students will approach the world with humility and the desire to learn from others by connecting and collaborating through mutually beneficial relationships with the communities they visit.  Students will be ambassadors for our school, town, and country.


Philosophy: The purpose of the global learning experience rises above intellectual, artistic, service, or athletic purposes, as it is more about learning to exercise good judgment in and toward the world. Traveling to other countries embodies the mission of Louisville Collegiate School, as it enriches the educational experience for all who participate. Along with a fresh outlook on their own education, students report a marked growth in self-confidence, an overall increase in sophistication, and a degree of language acquisition far exceeding what is possible in the classroom alone.


Two global experiences, generally ranging from 10 to 14 days, will be offered each summer to students completing grades 8-12. These trips are open to all students regardless of the world language course they are enrolled in. The trips will be priced between $4,500 and $5,500, depending on the location and length of travel.

Greece – Summer 2024

Argentina – Summer 2025


France/Switzerland – Summer 2025


Morocco – Summer 2025


Collegiate students enjoyed a trip to France in the summer of 2023!

Independent Study Opportunities